Piki Movie template is designed specially for movies website like review any details of movies which you want to provide you user's. Not only movies you can use this on your magazine blog like newspaper it is best fit and comfortable for every blog. this template basically provide much speed loading and faster tablet because there are not much extra gadgets are added the main feature highlighting is that every post are going into a well designed responsive cards. Gallery Cards Style This Template have all the details and External Links provided below to check its Speed, Responsive, Google tool Validators etc.
- Material Design
- Vanilla JavaScript without jQuery
- Without any CSS/JavaScript Framework
- Easy To Customize
- Unlimited Color Themes
- SEO Optimized
- Mobile Friendly
- JSON Schema
- Vaild structured data
- HTML5/CSS3 valid code
- Responsive Design
- Accessibility Optimized
- Cross-Browser Compatibility Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera Mini, Edge, IE10, IE11
- Ads Ready (In Feeds, Before/After Post, Top Ads, Bottom Ads, Sticky Ads)
- RTL Support (arabic)
- Translation Ready (manual)
- Google Translate widget (RTL/LTR support)
- RTL/LTR Mode
- Night Mode
- Fullscreen Mode
- Loader Animation
- Scroll Indicator (can disable or enable)
- Toolbar/Top App Bar (2 type hide toolbar on scroll down only posts/pages, can disable or enable)
- Skip main content
- Toggle Notification (notification at Dialog/Modal)
- Drawer Menu (Modal Drawer, Dismissible Drawer)
- Dropdown Menu
- Footer Menu
- Back to Top
- Header (showing only feeds pages)
- Scroll Down
- Searchbar (3 type on Header and Toolbar)
- Grid Feeds
- Shuffle Posts (can disable or enable)
- Blog Pager (Pagination/Loadmore)
- Feature Widget
- Slider Widget
- Random Post at Snackbar
- Related Post
- Subscribe Box
- Sidebar (showing only on article pages)
- Sidebar Tabs (Popular Post, Labels, Archive)
- Sticky Sidebar Widget - Only one widget (recommend used to Ads)
- 3 type of the comments system, can display only one (Blogger, Disqus, Facebook)
- Breadcrumb
- Post Meta
- Print button with styling print pages (only article pages)
- Share Button (includes google analytics)
- Modal Share
- Author Card
- Anchor Headings (Automatic)
- Table of Contents (Automatic)
- Dialogs (Modal)
- Snackbars
- Alerts
- Accordion
- Tooltips
- Buttons
- Ripples
- Lazyload Images
- Clipboardjs (button share, pre tags)
- Anti Inspect Elements (can disable or enable)
- JavaScript Library Customize
- No Encrypt JS
- Support Update
- Responsive
- Google Testing Tool Validator
- Mobile Friendly
- Custom 404 Page
- Fast Loading
- One Pager
- Portfolio
- MultiPurpose
- Ads Ready
- Clean Layout
- Simple Design
- Drop Down Menu
- Social Sharing
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Browser Compatibility
- And Much Much More…